What’s New

Hearing Aid Loss from Hurricane Helene

While the death toll continues to rise even as this message is posted, in Maine know we were fortunate to have been spared this tragedy. Acts of kindness abound in the wake of the devastation but one, by the hearing aid manufacturer Phonak, is particularly noteworthy. In an email received today, they write: "We understand…...
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Bad Weather Closings

We don’t want you to wind up in a weather-related mishap, whether it’s a car accident, a fall in your driveway or having a heart attack shoveling snow. We don’t want these things for ourselves either. So it’s our policy that if the schools are closed in the town where your appointment is, WE WILL…...
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Scheduling Information

Making an appointment for almost any service these days takes longer than we’d like. Years ago, you could call and get your car serviced within a day or two, or perhaps even that same day. Now, you’ll need to wait two weeks or more. It’s a problem for everyone. Sadly, it’s the same for us.…...
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Thinking about Hearing Aids? Have hearing problems?

Some things to consider.... For those with insurance which offers a hearing aid benefit including many Medicare Advantage plans! The most important thing for you to consider is this: the person you’re seeing an Audiologist, preferably a Doctor of Audiology. If you go to see a Hearing Aid salesperson (sometimes advertising themself as a Hearing…...
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What Insurance Do You Have?

When you call us to make an appointment for the first time, we’ll ask you about insurance coverage. Why? Many insurance companies and Medicare Advantage plans now offer a benefit towards hearing aids or ‘reduced pricing’ arrangements. To use this hearing aid benefit, you may need to sign up with a company that has a…...
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Insurance For Hearing Aids

As recently as 3-4 years ago, insurance coverage for adult hearing aids finally began to appear. Now, coverage is becoming very widely available. You may have hearing aid coverage and not even know it. However, you can’t get your insurance benefits UNLESS you purchase them through an Audiologist in their network. The insurance companies offering…...
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Corona Virus ~ COVID-19

Like other healthcare entities, we are carefully watching this world-wide pandemic. Like others, we’re trying as best we can to anticipate upcoming challenges.Rest assured that your health and safety are our paramount concern. To that end, we’re suggesting that those who are thinking about their annual or semi-annual ‘check-up’ postpone making that appointment until we…...
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