277 State St.

(207) 942-4433

11 Short St

(207) 667-4014

Calais – Masonic Hall
10 Calais Avenue

Toll-Free: (888) 667-4014

Office Hours  9:00 am – 4:00 pm
By Appointment

Fax: (844) 506-7400


Audiology is the science of hearing and hearing disorders as it relates to humans

Hearing Aids

Acadia Hearing Center is licensed by the state of Maine to sell all kinds and types of hearing aids. We also provide service for the hearing aids brands we sell as well as for many others also.

Ear Protection

Musician ear protection and in-ear monitors, custom molds for swimming, quiet and other activities.


Acadia Hearing Center, with offices in Ellsworth and Bangor and seeing patients in Calais, Maine, provides audiology services, including hearing evaluations, along with hearing aid sales/service for nearly all brands of hearing aids.

Purchasing a hearing aid can be a confusing process. We try to make it as easy as possible and help you make decisions based on YOUR best interest. We are an independent practice, not obligated to anyone other than you.

Our offices are conveniently located and we can can provide easy driving directions.

You can call us at 667-4014 (Ellsworth) or 942-4433 (Bangor) to make an appointment for any location.   In order to ensure you receive our undivided attention, we see patients only by appointment: no drop-ins, please!

An Important Message Regarding New Hearing Aid Regulations

October, 2022: You’re probably reading and watching lots of news stories about new regulations just implemented regarding hearing aids and how this will make things so much easier and cheaper. We’d encourage you to watch this very short video which summarizes some very important points:

View the Listen Carefully Video

Two maxims come to mind in this whole situation:

  1. The doctor who treats himself has a fool for a patient. Trying to diagnose your own hearing aid needs may hurt more than help!
  2. Free is worth what you pay for it. We regularly have patients who’ve wasted money by purchasing some very expensive “hearing aids” (really only personal amplification products that make ALL sounds louder and can easily destroy any residual hearing) which simply don’t work. They decided that the magazine or TV ads were truthful for THEIR type of hearing loss – and they weren’t!

If you’ve got questions, we’ll be glad to talk with you about them. Hearing aids aren’t as expensive (especially here in Maine) as you may think AND many insurances as well as Medicare Advantage plans now offer a hearing aid benefit. ASK US! We can help….

We’re patient-friendly and ethically-driven. We participate with most insurance and network benefit plans. Particularly important is that we enjoy the company of those who come to see us and are responsive to your needs. For example, we know that if you’ve bought a hearing aid, you’ve quickly become very used to hearing well.  If there’s a problem with your aid, you don’t want to be in that soundless void again for any longer than necessary so we do our very best to see you within a day (sometimes even the same day). We often can fix whatever is wrong right then and there! If you’ve never had a hearing aid before, you’ll appreciate our caring and compassion. Please take a look at our section ‘Before you get a hearing aid’ which will answer many of the questions you might have.

Technology is a fast-moving target today but we stay abreast of the cutting edge changes. We’ll also tell you about the scams of things like ‘online testing’ and more. If, however, you want to ‘keep it simple’ (and it’s no shame if you don’t want a lot of tech!), we can do that while ensuring you benefit from the latest and greatest. We work at your level of technology comfort and if you get involved with newer things, we’ll be right there to work with you. Also, if you’re ‘from away’, and need care for a loved one living here, we will keep you involved at every step of the way.

We work actively with physician practices and our ‘next appointment’ is much sooner than others. Reports should be in the provider’s hands within 48 hours. In the event of sudden hearing loss referrals, we do our best to see the patient within hours, not weeks.

Moving forward, we’ll be adding new information here to help you understand and address your hearing needs. Thanks for visiting.

What’s New

Hearing Aid Loss from Hurricane Helene

While the death toll continues to rise even as this message is posted, in Maine know we were fortunate to have been spared this tragedy. Acts of kindness abound in the wake of the devastation but one, by the hearing aid manufacturer Phonak, is particularly noteworthy. In an email received today, they write: "We understand…...

Bad Weather Closings

We don’t want you to wind up in a weather-related mishap, whether it’s a car accident, a fall in your driveway or having a heart attack shoveling snow. We don’t want these things for ourselves either. So it’s our policy that if the schools are closed in the town where your appointment is, WE WILL…...

Scheduling Information

Making an appointment for almost any service these days takes longer than we’d like. Years ago, you could call and get your car serviced within a day or two, or perhaps even that same day. Now, you’ll need to wait two weeks or more. It’s a problem for everyone. Sadly, it’s the same for us.…...

Thinking about Hearing Aids? Have hearing problems?

Some things to consider.... For those with insurance which offers a hearing aid benefit including many Medicare Advantage plans! The most important thing for you to consider is this: the person you’re seeing an Audiologist, preferably a Doctor of Audiology. If you go to see a Hearing Aid salesperson (sometimes advertising themself as a Hearing…...

What Insurance Do You Have?

When you call us to make an appointment for the first time, we’ll ask you about insurance coverage. Why? Many insurance companies and Medicare Advantage plans now offer a benefit towards hearing aids or ‘reduced pricing’ arrangements. To use this hearing aid benefit, you may need to sign up with a company that has a…...

Insurance For Hearing Aids

As recently as 3-4 years ago, insurance coverage for adult hearing aids finally began to appear. Now, coverage is becoming very widely available. You may have hearing aid coverage and not even know it. However, you can’t get your insurance benefits UNLESS you purchase them through an Audiologist in their network. The insurance companies offering…...

Corona Virus ~ COVID-19

Like other healthcare entities, we are carefully watching this world-wide pandemic. Like others, we’re trying as best we can to anticipate upcoming challenges.Rest assured that your health and safety are our paramount concern. To that end, we’re suggesting that those who are thinking about their annual or semi-annual ‘check-up’ postpone making that appointment until we…...